
LogoUniversity of South Australia
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoFrequentis AG
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoVienna University of Technology
Information and Software Engineering Group
Joint Projects and Publications
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoOxford University
Department of Computer Science
Joint Projects and Publications
Logosolvistas GmbH
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoSecure Business Austria
Joint Projects and Publications
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoSiemens AG
Corporate Technology
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoHöhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Francisco Josephinum
Joint Projects and Publications
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoUniversity of Massachusetts Boston (UMB)
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoUniversity of Skövde
School of Informatics
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoPortland State University
Department of Computer Science
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoChristian Albrechts University Kiel
Information Systems Engineering Group
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoFondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoNASA Ames Research Center
Intelligent Systems Division
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoUniversity of Klagenfurt
Information and Communication Systems
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoVeterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoInternet Foundation Austria
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoBDO Austria
Die Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoIBM Research
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoLudwig Maximilian University München
Institut für Informatik
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoUniversity of Manchester
Department of Computer Science
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoUniversity of Konstanz
Database and Information Systems Group
Joint Projects and Publications
LogoWasserbauer GmbH
Joint Projects and Publications