VL Data Modeling

TitleData Modeling
Weekly hours2 SSt. (3 ECTS)
ObjectivesThe students know architectural concepts of database systems and their application areas. They know fundamental concepts of the design process of database systems, and know how to implement them based on requirement specifications. They are capable to conduct the design process with concrete data models. They know query languages to interactively define, query and manipulate data from (web) applications. They are familiar with problems and techniques of access protection.
  • Reasons and motives for the application of database systems
  • Architecture of database management systems
  • Database design process: conceptual, logical, and physical design
  • Conceptual data models: entity-relationship model and UML
  • Logical data models: relational and object-oriented data model
  • Physical data organization: index structures; database definition and database access with interactive query languages
  • Database access from (web) applications
  • Access control in database systems