VL Data & Knowlegde Management

TitleData & Knowlegde Management
Weekly hours2 SSt. (3 ECTS)
ObjectivesStudents know data models for representing and managing various types of company-relevant data (relational, semi-structured, documents) and are able to use database management systems to store and query data. They can extract and merge internal and external company data from different sources. The students know essential methods and concepts of knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation, as well as knowledge management. They are able to represent knowledge in declarative form and use knowledge-based systems.
  • Conceptual data models
  • Logical data models
  • Query languages
  • Database management systems
  • Data modelling and data integration
  • Implicit knowledge, methods and concepts of knowledge acquisition and representation
  • Knowledge-based systems, knowledge management in organisations
  • Technical and methodological foundations of digitisation
  • Introduction to software development with Python