Modelling corresponding information content between multimedia data (Preliminary version)

T. Prückler, M. Schrefl
Prue95a (1995)
Proceedings of the Austrian Hungarian Seminar on Software Engineering, Graz, Österreich, April 1995.
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In object-oriented multimedia databases, information about one real world entity is often represented by several model world objects, which model the same or different properties of the real world entity at the same or different levels of detail. To capture the correspondence between two objects representing information about the same real-world entity, the concept of "Corresponding-Information-Content" (CIC) is introduced. Correspondence of information content can be measured along two dimensions: (1) the information represented, and (2) the level of detail at which the information is considered.

The concept of corresponding-information-content can be used beneficially in conceptual modeling of multimedia data to achieve high expressiveness and enhance understandability. For this, links between objects with corresponding-information-content are tagged by CIC-indicators expressing how the information content of the target object relates to the information content of the source object of the relationship.

The paper introduces a classification of relationships with CIC-indicators and gives a set of inference rules to infer CIC-indicators of transitive links from CIC-indicators of their constituent links.