How to compose an Object-Oriented Business Process Model?

P. Kueng, P. Bichler, P. Kawalek, M. Schrefl
Kuen96b (1996)
S. Brinkkemper et al. (eds.): Method Engineering - Principles of method construction and tool support; Proceedings of the IFIP TC8, WG 8.1/WG 8.2 Working Conference, Atlanta, 26-28 August 1996, Chapmann & Hall, London, pp. 94-110, ISBN 0-412-79750-X, 1996.
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Faced with the intensive business process reengineering activities in many companies, it is not surprising that the issue of process modelling has become a central concern. This paper shows that object-oriented system development methods can be applied to the field of business process modelling, but that certain steps are needed in advance. For example, it is necessary to compose a goal-means hierarchy, to establish necessary activities and roles, and to determine the input and output for each activity. In this paper, we examine step by step how business processes can be modelled, which data are needed for each step and which result would be produced during each step.