Employing Aviation-specific Contexts for Business Rules and Business Vocabularies Management in SemNOTAM

F. Burgstaller
Burg16c (2016)
OnTheMove Academy (OTMA). In: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2016 Workshops - Confederated International Workshops: EI2N, FBM, ICSP, Meta4eS, and OTMA 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Vol. 10034. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. October 24-28, 2016, Kallithea, Rhodes, Greece. Best Contribution Award. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 315–325.
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SemNOTAM is a knowledge and rule-based semantic filter system for safety and time critical announcements of temporary changes to flight conditions (NOTAMs). The relevance and importance of NOTAMs to a specific situation is determined by business rules (BRs). In SemNOTAM, many BRs apply across several situations and thus can be collected into super-situations. To support an incremental BR elicitation process, required by their number, and later maintenance of BRs, an adequate BR management system is vital. However, current systems provide mostly simple organisation techniques insufficient for SemNOTAM.

Many research fields, e.g., library information science, manage large information bases by utilising problem-specific contexts. These contexts may be hierarchically structured. Similarly, we propose aviation-specific contexts to manage BRs and their associated business vocabularies in SemNOTAM. To implement the proposed management system we employ design science. In this paper we present the method, preliminary results, and the evaluation planned to this end.