Research Collaboration Towards Greener Aviation (OeAD, WTZ Serbia)
- Projektzeitraum
- Juli 2022 - Juni 2024
- Fördergeber
- OEAD - Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (WTZ Grant))
- Projektnummer
- RS 05/2022
- Kurzbeschreibung
This project deals with the impact of air traffic on the environment, as well as measures to reduce negative impact on the population living in the vicinity of airports, towards “greener” aviation. Project team consists of 10 researchers from three academic institutions with complementary expertise in the fields of air traffic and transport, business informatics and data and knowledge engineering. Team structure includes four female researchers, four earlystage researchers and three PhD students. Project applications in both Serbia and Austria are submitted by early-stage researchers. Research topics to be covered by this bilateral cooperation include simulation and modelling of aircraft noise, engine emissions and fuel consumption to assess the impact of airport operations on population along with the impact assessment of unmanned aerial vehicles on the environment. The main aim of this project is to stimulate international research through application for a joint international project. During this bilateral cooperation, a joint EU project proposal will be drafted with a goal to propose a novel approach of optimizing air traffic assignment process to reduce the negative environmental impact which is considered as a measure towards greener aviation. Further cooperation perspective will seek to commercially exploit these research results by developing decision support tool to assist air traffic controllers. To share the knowledge with other academic researchers and students from partner institutions, that are not directly involved in this bilateral collaboration, four guest lectures and one workshop are planned. Human capacity development is expected through four short-term research stays of PhD students and earlystage researcher. Knowledge sharing between partner institutions is expected to improve academic courses and teaching materials and open the possibility for cooperation outside this framework, especially for young researchers.
- Projektpartner
- Projektteam
- Christoph Schütz - Project Lead (DKE)
- Publikationen
E. Ganic, C. Schütz, S. Staudinger:
Current ANSP Practices Towards Reducing the Environmental Impact of Air Traffic Operations
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons (EASN 2023), Salerno, Italy, September 5-8, 2023, Abstract, 1 page, 2023.E. Ganic, S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, C. Vinueza:
Using Service-Level Mobile Internet Traffic Data to Estimate Noise Impact of Flight Trajectories on the Population
In: NetMob 2023 Data Challenge, October 4-6, 2023, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, NetMob 2023 Book of Abstracts, 2 pages, 2023.D. Zangerle:
Erhebung der aktuellen und geplanten Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Umwelteinflüsse des Flugverkehrs durch Flugsicherungsorganisationen
(Masterarbeit, 2024)