Simon Staudinger, MSc

Simon Staudinger

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, M. Schrefl:
A Reference Process for Assessing the Reliability of Predictive Analytics Results
In: Journal Springer Nature Computer Science (SNCS), Editors: Slimane Hammoudi and Christoph Quix, Volume 5, Article No. 563, Springer Verlag, 27 pages, ISSN (electr.): 2661-8907, DOI:, 2024.
G. Van Bree, S. Staudinger, F. Burgstaller, F. Schiff, C. Schütz:
Using Machine Learning to Identify Incorrect Value-Added Tax Reports
In: Proceedings of the 30th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2024), Salt Lake City, Utah, August 15-17, 2024, Association for Information Systems (AIS), 2024.
E. Ganic, C. Schütz, S. Staudinger:
Current ANSP Practices Towards Reducing the Environmental Impact of Air Traffic Operations
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons (EASN 2023), Salerno, Italy, September 5-8, 2023, Abstract, 1 page, 2023.
S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, M. Schrefl:
Using Multilevel Business Artifacts for Knowledge Management in Analytics Projects
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI 2023) in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2023), October 1-6, 2023, Västeras, Sweden, Website MULTI:, IEEE Press, pp. 689-698 (10 pages), DOI:10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00110, 2023.
E. Ganic, S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, C. Vinueza:
Using Service-Level Mobile Internet Traffic Data to Estimate Noise Impact of Flight Trajectories on the Population
In: NetMob 2023 Data Challenge, October 4-6, 2023, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, NetMob 2023 Book of Abstracts, 2 pages, 2023.
M. Luketina, T. Mathy, S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, M. Stadlbauer, I. Kuci:
Predictive Analytics in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Rechtliche und technische Aspekte, aktuelle Anwendungsfälle, Problembereiche und Möglichkeiten
In: Zeitschrift für Energie- und Technikrecht (ZTR), Heft 4/2021, Pedell Wissenschaftsverlag, ISSN 2224-6819, Hrsg.: Andreas Hauer, pp. 150-160, 2021.
S. Staudinger, C. Schütz, M. Schrefl:
A Reference Process for Judging Reliability of Classification Results in Predictive Analytics
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2021), July 6-8, 2021, SciTePress/Springer, ISBN 978-989-758-521-0, ISSN 2184-285X, presented at DATA 2021, Online, pp. 124-134, 2021.
S. Staudinger:
Eine grafische Benutzungsschnittstelle für Online Analytical Processing auf Basis von Analysesituationen und inkrementellen Manipulationsoperationen
(Masterarbeit, 2019)
2022 - 2024Research Collaboration Towards Greener Aviation (OeAD, WTZ Serbia)
Fördergeber:OEAD - Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation

Folgende Lehrveranstaltungen werden von Simon Staudinger regelmäßig abgehalten:

UEData MiningSommersemester
PRData & Knowledge EngineeringJedes Semester